Decks, Glorious Decks!,  Kickstarter Decks

Currently On Kickstarter: The Not So Classic Doré Tarot

I don’t know what’s going on with Tarot Kickstarter at the moment, but there’s been a sudden flurry of great projects going live that I feel compelled to back (which is NOT convenient as I am in the process of moving house right now and am broke af). This deck, the Not So Classic Doré Tarot, has lots of features that I’m traditionally not that keen on – it’s black and white, it’s a bit dark/murky, it’s not ‘original’ art created to suit the message of the Tarot but instead re-purposed stuff (which I can often find a bit of a reach for some cards)… but, nevertheless, I found myself super drawn to it!

The deck celebrates the striking art of 19th Century French illustrator Gustav Doré, and is a real labour of love for the creator, Joyce Lin Rostrup, who shares a birthday with Doré :-). Unlike the ‘just grab any vaguely related image’ type approach I often see when creators base a deck off an artist’s pre-existing canon, you can see that Rostrup has really taken the time to go through Doré’s works with a fine tooth comb to select, and even edit and re-configure, images that really resonate with and reflect the meaning of each of the 78 cards. This for me is what really sets it apart from other similar projects. I also LOVE the decision to use cherry-pink neon for the titles – it just pops and makes the otherwise quite dark images really sing.

The deck consists of 82 cards in a lidded box, plus a 48 page guidebook. Tiers start from 45 Euros (about £39) for a hard copy of the deck, box, and guidebook.

Photo from the creator’s Kickstarter page

Also, props to the cerator for putting together such a well-curated and professional looking Kickstarter page. It goes such a long way to reassuring backers the creator has what it takes to deliver on the deck itself!

You can back it here.




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