Decks, Glorious Decks!,  Kickstarter Decks

Currently on Kickstarter: Figuratively Speaking Mermaid Tarot Deck

Backing this new deck was a no-brainer for me, as I love artist B. Miller’s Tarot and Tarot-esque paintings on Instagram (especially since she drew this Tarot card style Karlach from BG3, I would DIE for a hand painted BG3 Tarot deck, be still my beating heart), and I also already own their first (huge, sprawling!) Tarot deck, the Figuratively Speaking Tarot (which you can buy here).

The Figuratively Speaking Mermaid Tarot is an absolute beaut, featuring all of Bee’s gorgeous watercolour artwork and more thematically consistent than its predecessor (I love an epic deck, but I’ll concede thematic decks are probably easier to work with off the bat).

The FS Mermaid Tarot constitutes a full 78 card deck (plus a few more cards hopefully, if the stretch goals are unlocked), and will come in a tuck box with a guidebook co-authored by Bee and Madeline Crane. Prices start from $40 (about £31) for the full deck. The deck is completed (so turnaround times should be as scheduled) and has already reached its funding goal (yay!) so no need to worry about falling in love with it only for it not to go ahead 😘.

There’s so many gorgeous cards in this deck, but I am particularly obsessed with this preggo seahorse merman Emperor. While I appreciate the traditional ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ energies that are represented in the Tarot, the fact that certain aspects of our human experience are so essentially gendered within some of the archetypes is a bit… eh. So by incorporating the idea of the seahorse – one of the few creatures where the male carries the eggs after fertilisation – Bee gives us this brilliant subversion of the typical stern ‘tough love’ Emperor vs. a barefoot-and-pregnant Empress. AND I AM HERE FOR IT! Male-archetype-as-father no longer seems a cold, remote thing – here he plays a vital, nurturing role in bringing about the future.

I also REALLY want the deck to hit the stretch goal that unlocks the card on the right, ‘Unrequited Love’. It’s just SO beautiful! Actually, what I really want is this card as a full-sized piece of art to put on my wall. A girl can dream.

Back the deck here.




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