Currently on Kickstarter: The Magic Pantry Tarot
Considering I’ve recently backed The Gourmet Tarot on Kickstarter, you’d be forgiven for thinking I don’t need another foodie themed Tarot deck, BUT YOU’D BE WRONG! The Magic Pantry Tarot is the latest project by Cedar Wren McCloud AKA Numinous Spirit Press. The creator has previously brought us The Numinous Tarot and The Threadbound Oracle, so they’ve plenty of experience in both KS campaigns and cartomancy projects, and I have no doubt the backing-to-owning process will run like a well oiled machine 😉.

The Magic Pantry Tarot is a 79 card deck themed around food “for the home cook or anyone who loves to eat” (I fit both of those criteria!) The creator assures that there is no judgment of food as ‘good’ or ‘bad’ and instead the focus is on the flavours, characteristics, and uses of each featured ingredient. The extra card is a alternative Fool card (tofu instead of egg), making the whole deck vegan-friendly. McCloud is a foodie themselves and notes that “food is a powerful force in our world, a necessity for life which is also a major basis for culture and community”. For this deck they’ve combined this love of food with their “multicultural approach” to Tarot symbolism.
The deck looks really whimsical and gentle; I love the art style and how amusing and insightful some of the symbolism is. I particularly love mushrooms as The Devil, with their little evil skull faces. I personally love mushrooms, but my husband and kids would very much vibe with this portrayal (I tell my husband he is a fool for this – not only are mushrooms a wonderfully sustainable food source, but it’s like he learned nothing from playing Super Mario as a kid: mushrooms are our friends!)
The deck is printed on A35 cardstock, and comes in a standard tuckbox. Pledges start at $53 (approx. £42) for a deck. You can back the deck here.
