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Deck Review: The Healing Waves Tarot

The Healing Waves Tarot is currently out of print after a limited run, and I was after it for aaaaaages before I found a secondhand copy that wasn’t gougingly expensive (it was still pretty pricey though!). It’s definitely worth snapping up if you can find a reasonably priced secondhand copy. Otherwise you can join me in hoping that the creator, Nawan Junhasiri, does a second print run and/or works with a mass market publisher to release a prêt-à-tarot version. Unfortunately the guide book is only available as a passcode locked pdf, and as I bought it secondhand I didn’t have the password until some kind soul on Insta took pity on me. I appreciate the need to protect copyright etc., but I do prefer it when decks with online-only guides make them open access (which many do) for precisely this reason! There’s a fairly robust market in secondhand Tarot decks, particularly those that go OOP.

The Healing Waves is a really lovely deck (feel like it’s a bit of a cop out when I say that, as it’s like, “no shit you think it’s nice Lucy, you bought it!”) The card stock is satisfyingly thick. The cards are a teeny bit sticky to shuffle but I waaaaay prefer this to too slippery (the stickiness can get a bit annoying at times though). The card backs and box inside really capture the sense of sunlight through water, giving the whole deck really tranquil vibes.

I talked about how much I like this Strength card when I was deep diving on Strength. I find sharks truly terrifying (they are just ancient apex hunting machines) and to tame a shark is about as close an allegory to conquering your inner demons that I can imagine, haha. I LOVE the angler fish as the Devil; so often we are blinded by the bright shiny things (like those poor little clown fish) and realise too late that the pursuit of them has caused harm to ourselves and others. Also angler fish are just so fantastically creepy. Maybe more so than sharks…

The beautiful Death card really captures the essence of death leading to regrowth and new life. The Tower as a falling lighthouse is pretty bleak – not only is your tower falling down, but the beacon you provided for others has gone – but it’s beautiful.

Edit: I’ve thought about this card a bit more since I first wrote this review (whilst deep diving on the Tower), and while the lighthouse is certainly damaged, it’s not actually falling. So I wonder if this deck isn’t also speaking to the slightly more positive aspect of the Tower card – the sudden, revelatory flash of enlightenment that, while troubling, is much needed. Instead of mere destruction, this Tower might be indicating that moments of upheaval and rapid change can also come about due to flashes of insight and therefore act as beacons of knowledge, much like lighthouses. Especially enlightenment of a revelatory kind where one is smacked inside the head with a lightbulb moment!

The Hermit as a hermit crab is 👌🏼. The Letter is a special card for the Healing Waves deck, meaning a surprise / unexpected good news or guidance etc. I’ve always adored the romanticism of finding a message in a bottle, so this image really appeals to me. And finally the Emperor as a kindly old whale makes me warm to a card I’m not naturally a fan of.

Pretty standard representation of the Three of Fire (Wands) here, but the colours of the sea and the sunset are what really elevates it for me. I love the clever use of jellyfish to represent Cups (Water) throughout the deck, and this Queen is especially beautiful. The oyster offering up her pearl is a great way to show the meaning behind the Ace of Pents (Earth). And a very striking 8 of Cups (again, great use of the cup-like shapes of the jellyfish) and 2 of Wands.

And here’s my favourite card from the Healing Waves Tarot: The Star. Always feels like a bit of a cop out to pick the image from the front of the box, but this really is such a beautiful, bright, hopeful star 🌟. I am a special fan of mermaid Stars, as I associate the card with Stella Maris, our Lady Star of the Sea, who sailors would pray to during storms. “Lady of night, that turning ever about us art now visible and now invisible in thy season, be thou favourable to hunters, and lovers, and to all men that toil upon the earth, and to all mariners upon the sea.”

Deck Interview with the Healing Waves Tarot

1. Tell me about yourself? What is your most important characteristic as a deck?

Five of Cups: Ha, I guess the clue was in the name. This deck is ready for when healing from old pain and loss is needed. You can’t unspill the milk but you can savour what is left.

2. What are your strengths as a deck?

Two of Cups: Moving on from old heartbreak and preparing for new opportunities. This deck advised on how to open your heart and get ready!

3. What are your limits as a deck?

The Hermit: This deck is less good for when solitude and isolated reflection is needed. Instead it’s a deco about moving on and making new connections.

4. What do you require from me in return? How can I best collaborate with you?

Four of Pents: I have to be ready to give again, not jealously guard what I have and be too scared to risk it for new love/connection.

5. What is the potential quality of our relationship?

Page of Cups: This deck will help me with emotional exploration and romantic/platonic growth. It will teach me how to be tender with my imagination and open to emotional connection.

6. In what space / with what type of query will you best communicate?

Four of Cups: When I’m jaded and not recognising the opportunities right in front of me, this deck will help me reconnect





  • Anonymous

    I just acquired a used copy of this from a fb group and am also seeking the password for the pdf. If you are kind enough to share, my email is [redacted]

    • Lucy

      Of course! I just sent you an email from my Tarotcake gmail account with the password. It’s a great deck, hope you enjoy working with it 😄

  • Anonymous

    Hello 🙂 I’m so glad I found this page. I also just bought a second hand deck and I’m desperately looking for the guidebook as the Qr code doesn’t work. Would you please send it to me?
    Thank you!


    • Lucy

      HI Verena,

      You may well have found it in the intervening 2.5 months (sorry for tardiness, see below) – but if not, no problem, if you want to private message me a contact email I’ll send the code over to you.


      Sorry for the delay (and to everyone who posted asking) – the blog’s been a bit quiet (it always is in Spring because I’m in the thick of teaching, and between that and writing up research, my creative and writing resevoirs are dry – Tarot Season begins again in May ;-)), and for some reason JetPack hasn’t been notifying me of comments on my phone. Hopefully you found it somewhere else in the meantime, and, if not, then better late than never ;-).

    • Lucy

      Just sent you the password via email from my TarotCake address.

      Sorry for the delay (and to everyone who posted asking) – the blog’s been a bit quiet (it always is in Spring because I’m in the thick of teaching, and between that and writing up research, my creative and writing resevoirs are dry – Tarot Season begins again in May ;-)), and for some reason JetPack hasn’t been notifying me of comments on my phone. Hopefully you found it somewhere else in the meantime, and, if not, then better late than never ;-).

    • Lucy

      Just sent you the password via email from my TarotCake address.

      Sorry for the delay (and to everyone who posted asking) – the blog’s been a bit quiet (it always is in Spring because I’m in the thick of teaching, and between that and writing up research, my creative and writing resevoirs are dry – Tarot Season begins again in May ;-)), and for some reason JetPack hasn’t been notifying me of comments on my phone. Hopefully you found it somewhere else in the meantime, and, if not, then better late than never ;-).


    OMG I can’t believe I found your post. I just did the exact same thing. Paid an outrageous amount for a second hand deck, and the person I bought it from won’t even respond to me to give me the passcode! Would you mind sharing? Pulling my hair out!
    By the way, I completely agree with you about the tower. I think it’s more positive. And I actually think that way about several decks I have regarding the tower. It’s more about the change than the destruction. You’ve got to tear something down in order to build something else back up. 😊

    • Lucy

      Just sent you the password via email from my TarotCake address.

      Sorry for the delay (and to everyone who posted asking) – the blog’s been a bit quiet (it always is in Spring because I’m in the thick of teaching, and between that and writing up research, my creative and writing resevoirs are dry – Tarot Season begins again in May ;-)), and for some reason JetPack hasn’t been notifying me of comments on my phone. Hopefully you found it somewhere else in the meantime, and, if not, then better late than never ;-).

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