Currently On Kickstarter: The Not So Classic Doré Tarot
I don’t know what’s going on with Tarot Kickstarter at the moment, but there’s been a sudden flurry of great projects going live that I feel compelled to back (which is NOT convenient as I am in the process of moving house right now and am broke af). This deck, the Not So Classic Doré Tarot, has lots of features that I’m traditionally not that keen on – it’s black and white, it’s a bit dark/murky, it’s not ‘original’ art created to suit the message of the Tarot but instead re-purposed stuff (which I can often find a bit of a reach for some cards)… but, nevertheless, I found myself…
Currently On Kickstarter: The Journey Deck
EDIT: Since I wrote this post, my deck has arrived :-). You can read my review here and buy the deck here. I LOVED the ‘Journey’ Tarot Deck by Teagan Michael Turner when it launched on Kickstarter a few months back, and was gutted when it didn’t reach its funding goal. Thankfully the creator has relaunched it, and this time it has already reached its (more modest) target, which I’m super pleased about, as I think it’s going to be a brilliant addition to my collection. This deck is quite an abstract take on the Tarot, but I really love the artist’s interpretations, and the art style is lush, dense,…
Currently On Kickstarter: Liberation Tarot Deck
Edit: Since I wrote this post, I’ve received the deck :-). You can read my review here and buy the deck from the publishers here. Any deck that features contributions from the amazing adrienne maree brown instantly gets my attention, so I was very excited to see the Liberation Tarot Deck come up on Kickstarter. This is a collaboration project from a collection of artists and writers, and describes itself as being “in the lineage of projects like Slow Holler [and] the Collective Tarot” – hell yes! It’s a 79 card deck, and comes with a rigid box and a guidebook, and, you guys, *each card has a poem recommendation*…
Deck Review: The Twice Told Tarot
I fell in love with the Twice Told Tarot when I saw it on Kickstarter last year, and immediately backed it. Created by Travis McHenry, alongside artist David Scaglione, its quirky style really appealed to me. Unfortunately the Kickstarter was cancelled – boo. But then the deck was included as a possible add-on to McHenry’s next project, the True Oracle of Nostradamus – hooray! So I bought the TOoN just to get my hands on the Twice Told Tarot (as I thought that would be the only way to get hold of a copy). Turns out you can currently pick up a copy via the Bloodstone Studios online store –…
Deck Review: Out of Hand Tarot Deck
First up, I should say that I love all of (the incredibly talented) Jamie Sawyer‘s decks, and this one is no exception. It’s a companion deck to the Pocket of Peers Tarot, but works just fine as a standalone deck. Jamie worked (and still occasionally works) as a tattoo artist before designing Tarot decks, and you can definitely see the influence of ‘tattoo style’ art in her drawings, which I love. The deck is (mainly) first person POV of hands engaged in activities that speak to the original themes of the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. It’s very wry and clever, but also super wholesome and comforting. Packed full of Easter Eggs, working…
Deck Review: The Mushroom Hunter’s Tarot
The Mushroom Hunter’s Tarot is one of the first decks I ever back on Kickstarter, and it got me hooked on the whole process. This is partly due to how the creator, Joe Buckley, managed the whole project. Regular updates, a beautiful Insta, everything on time and seamless, and a really top notch finished project. It was hard to find any flowers to do my customary “new deck photo” as the deck arrived in the middle of the bleak mid-Winter where I am in the UK, but these scrappy little yellow ones were fighting on! I wanted to photograph the deck with some mushrooms (obviously), but every time I found…
Deck Review: Tarot of the Crystal World
One of the most recent Kickstarter decks to land in my hot little hands is this amazingly weird creation from the genius brain of Brooke Penrose. The creator describes the Crystal World as “the world reborn inside a fun-house mirror”, and that ‘beautiful-freak’ air permeates the whole deck. It really is just brilliantly odd. Part unsettling, part hugely up-lifting. The aesthetic is quite Country & Western (more than anything else, it feels like a deck a fortune teller would be using in one of my sadly missed favourite TV shows, Carnivale), and the colours are very muted. Almost sludgy; bruise coloured; the sky right before a storm – which I’m…
Currently On Kickstarter: The Alleyway Tarot
The deck has now arrived with me, and you can read my review here __ I own Publishing Goblin‘s last Kickstarter Tarot deck, The Alleyman’s Tarot, and, while it’s a bit unwieldy to work with, I still love it for reflection purposes, and for thinking about the ways different artists interpret the traditional card meanings. The guidebook is also a cracking read, as opposed to the normal fairly generic guff. So I didn’t hesitate in backing this new deck, The Alleyway Tarot, that follows the same principles as its predecessor. Each card in the deck is designed by a different artist, and the concept is that this is a ‘found’…
Currently On Kickstarter: The Solara Occulto Meliora Tarot
Edit: Since I wrote this blog post, my deck has arrived! You can see my full review here, and buy the deck here. Eeeeek! Very excited about this one. The out-of-print Solara Occulto Tarot has been on my wishlist for aaaaaaages. I occasionally spot a secondhand one on one of the Tarot trading forums, but they’re £££. So it was with great excitement that I saw the artist and creator Amanda Spicer is funding a second edition on Kickstarter! The Solara Occulto Meliora Tarot consists of a standard 78 card Tarot deck plus 21 bespoke oracle cards. From what I can see, this second edition is largely faithful to the…
Currently On Kickstarter: The Genius Garden Tarot & The ‘Journey’ Tarot
Edit: Since writing this post, both these decks have arrived :-). You can read my review of the Genius Garden Tarot here, and buy it here. You can read my review of The Journey Tarot here and buy the deck here. After not backing anything on Kickstarter for ages (trying to be strict with myself!), I’m currently backing two gorgeous decks. The first is the Genius Garden Tarot by Jessi Huntenburg. This is a super cute, hand painted, standard 78-card deck with a warm, hopeful art style. I love the way when you spread the deck out the card backs make it look like the hands are extending into one…